Confidence boosting beautiful smiles

Here at Forest Dental, your dentist in Loughton, we see time and time again the transformation in people after they invest in a beautiful smile.

Not many people are naturally blessed with a beautiful smile, especially in the western world. What we consider to be gorgeous in the smile department, rows of well aligned, white teeth on a broad jaw, is the result of a lot of chewing. Chewing makes your jaw longer and broader when you are young, and gives room for all those teeth to line up well.

Dentist in LoughtonStraightening

The problem with modern jaws is that they don’t get enough chewing and so they are smaller. Modern teeth, however, are just as big as they were millennia ago when they evolved to cope with a diet that required a lot more chewing. So, today, we have too-small jaws and too-big teeth.

Braces can fix that problem and that’s why so many children and adults come to us for alignment issues. Braces in the modern world don’t have to be chunky metal affairs. There are finer, almost invisible devices that make going through the straightening treatment a whole lot more pleasant.


But straight teeth are not the whole story. Teeth can also get damaged. To fix damaged teeth, we can cover over dings and dents with veneers, which are sheaths of dental porcelain that are cemented over the front of the teeth. They can last for at least 10 years if you take good care of them.


You are what you eat and drink, and nowhere more so that on your tooth enamel, which collects tiny traces of pigment from what you consume. If you’re into tea, coffee, red wine, berries or smoking, your teeth will be stained. Teeth whitening can remove these stains and also lighten the enamel itself by oxidising it, so that you can have those lovely pearly whites that everyone wants.

You can either have each treatment done separately, as and when you need it, or you can lay out a game plan to follow by having a consultation for a smile makeover.

Make 2019 the year you transform your smile and boost your confidence.